
Outings with the Elderly

Some of the elders we serve have not gone out of their homes for years. Some live alone, and others face difficulties with mobility. As a young country, Singapore owes much of our progress to these members of our pioneering generation. 1YOUTH organises several outings for these seniors throughout the year where they can experience the modern Singapore that they helped to lay the foundation for, all those years ago.

Meals With Love

Every fortnightly weekend, a team of 1YOUTH volunteers will deliver cooked meals to elderly members in the community, most of whom live alone or cannot provide for themselves. More than the meal, we’ve come to learn that what makes them happiest is the company, the conversation and cheer that youths bring to their lives.

Friends of the Seniors

A group of volunteers who aim to bring joy and companionship to seniors in our community. As Singapore’s population ages, the needs of our growing senior community will evolve to be more complex and challenging. Friends of the Seniors works with partners like St Luke's Eldercare and Goodlife@Marine Parade to tackle issues like dementia and social isolation. If you’re interested in building a community of care with our passionate group of volunteers, reach out to find out how you can help!